Sunday, November 13, 2005

Hussein Gets It, Too

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a special treat for you today: some of the most truly evil people on Earth today: the terrorists of the Middle East, complete with any idiot who has ever sympathized with them. You are the worst enemies humanity has.

God never told you that you had permission to kill innocent people. He never issued a scriptural mandate to destroy everyone who doesn't agree with you. And he DEFINITELY never pointed a finger at America, or any other nation, and said "ATTACK!" You idiots only think He did. STOP IMMEDIATELY. You wonder why every other nation in the world has pursued you, persecuted you, and sought to destroy you. YOU STARTED IT. Apologize, and cease the stupidity, and maybe your God will forgive you.

The desire to murder others is NOT righteousness, regardless of the God you choose to serve. It is sacriligious, and a waste of talent and life; both for the victim(s) and perpetrator(s). Life, all life, is sacred and serves a purpose. We weren't put here so you could have a body count, you morons. Show me PROOF, hard evidence, that God wants us dead, and I will show you reasons He has given us opportunities to repent and gain salvation. Think about it for a moment, if your miniscule brains will allow you to: if God wanted us dead, wouldn't He have done so already?

Who appointed you God's avenger(s), anyway? If it was Him, as you claim, show me your credentials. I bet you don't have any, you shallow-minded rejects from a backwards age. Thousands of years of jyhaad, and you STILL haven't won? Accept defeat, and lead by example.

I would normally encourage the rest of the world to point and laugh, but you're too pathetic to rate a mere chuckle, and the tragedies you incite have wounded this world for generations to come. Maybe it IS your turn to die for the cause.


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