Friday, September 29, 2006


First, let me apologize for my rather brash title. Normally, I wouldn't say what I have to say like this, but there is no better way to say it. I am sick and tired, as are all of you, of hearing from the Media-Elite-Hollywood liberal hippies whining about how "everything post-9/11 is just for politics and we shouldn't be fighting a war against these extremist terrorists". It is as if these highly-educated IDIOTS actually think that a "live-and-let-live" mentality would succeed with such implacable foes as we now face.
Understand this, that the events of September 11th, 2001 were NOT PROVOKED OR INITIATED by the United States, or any deliberate action taken by our government's current administration OR prior administrations. These cowardly, desperate attacks were perpetrated by men who hate us because we stand for all that is free in this world, and they feel threatened by it. Our retaliatory attacks against Al-Qaeda and its Taliban supporters are justifiable defense measures, not some random aggression spawned by the political agendas of those in office. The conflict in Iraq, likewise, is a PRE-EMPTIVE MEASURE not only to keep our enemies bogged down where they cannot get us at home but also (and primarily) to extend the same freedoms and liberties that we enjoy into a sector of the world where they are relatively unknown.
I am fully well aware of the issues we are facing at home, and of our need to step up our efforts to address them. Surprisingly enough, so are the people who represent us in government. Unfortunately, the same style of government that provides us with the tools to fix these problems (mostly caused by our own doing) also hampers our ability to resolve them. With the length of time it takes to draft a measure, present it, and resolve it, another administration change has taken place. That ultimately places the onus of responsibility for fixing these problems with those of us CAPABLE of taken the required actions. For some of us (including myself), military service is the role we fill, supporting and defending YOUR freedoms, lives, families, and homes. Others, including many big business leaders, serve by making donations of time, money, and other resources to various different charities and organizations who strive to tackle these issues instead of whining about them in the effort to generate some media attention.
I notice that YOU didn't take your stance until AFTER your movie had been released, which shows US where YOUR true priorities lay. Why don't you get off your "stool" and get out into the REAL world and MAKE A DIFFERENCE? You can't lead anywhere but from the front, Mr. Stone, and just because you have a talent for making movies doesn't make you any better than one of us, manning our posts and standing our watches in defense of all that makes America great.
Next, we are NOT at war WITH IRAQ. We are at war IN IRAQ. there IS a difference, largely in that if we went to war against Iraq why are we doing so much to improve their quality of life? Why are we extending our hand in friendship to them while the fighting is still going on? We went to war with the evil leaders of that oppressed nation, in the hopes of ending a reign of tyranny and establishing one of democracy. All evil needs to succeed in this world is for GOOD MEN to sit back and do nothing. And yes, for the rest of the class, a man who tortures, rapes, bombs, and murders HIS OWN COUNTRYMEN qualifies as evil, ESPECIALLY when their position as leader of that nation becomes the vehicle through which those actions become justified. Evil is evil; plain and simple. There are no "degrees" of evil, no differentiation made between "lesser" and "greater". If we are a great nation, a nation founded on truth, justice, and other prinicples of goodness, how can we sit back and do nothing about the evil we witness that is perpetrated in this world? By complacently standing by and not acting, we become just as guilty as the people who commit these acts.
And how are we "overreacting" to these murderous attacks committed against us on our own soil??? How many more Americans must die at the hands of some terrorist before our "overreaction" becomes justified? A hundred? One thousand? A MILLION? We have learned (or at least SHOULD have learned by now) that an isolationist stance (while preferrable) to world affairs will only make matters WORSE. Isn't it preferrable to have us draw them out in their own neighborhood rather than our own front yard?
I think the shame you feel is really your own.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

On the Other Hand...

Alright, as you all have no doubt figured out by now I tend to be a rather vocal, outspoken, and passionate writer (I would say orator, and those who work with me have heard me on my soapbox) very frustrated with the world around him. As such, I am making a momentary sanity check. Just because so much is going down the tubes doesn't mean that EVERYTHING is going down the tubes.

First off, anyone who has put their life on the line for a higher cause, you have my eternal respect. That means anyone in the military, or anyone who has been in the military, anyone so devoted to their faith that they feel the call to positions such as pastor, priest, missionary, or a dedicated parent who routinely places the needs of their children ahead of their own desires. We don't hear much about these good people on the news as good news doesn't grab attention, but I know what I see, and I respect that.

I also respect and appreciate those who have sought to make a positive impact on society. These people include politicians (those who serve solely for the benefit of their constituents, you know who they are because they either donate all of their salary to charity OR only work for a dollar a year), teachers, nurses, doctors, and some lawyers (they know who they are). Without individuals of such caliber, the sacrifices made by the men and women in uniform around the world may just go completely unnoticed, instead of largely ignored.

I see enough good in this world that I haven't given up all hope for mankind, yet. On the other hand, the world has made it pretty unfashionable to be concerned for anyone other than ourselves, so how long can we survive before we all become our own worst enemy?


Just as a head's up to those of you who have never read my blog before, here is something that you should know: I disrciminate against everyone equally here based on evidence from the news media and my own personal experiences. No single group of people nor ANY individual is safe from my opinions if they continually commit acts of exceptional stupidity. So, as you read through any of these and you see your name or some other group that you identify with, STOP, open your mind, and see the point that I am trying to make. Oh, and be grateful I am not making my points with a large stick (yet...).

On the other hand, if you and yours have no reference here, please do me a favor and keep it that way. I have too much to mention here as it is...

On Matters of Faith

Brothers and Sisters of humanity, allow us to come together for a few moments and enjoy what we have in common instead of focusing on what it is that makes us different.

We may all follow different Gods, but the tenets of love, charity, respect, and faith are the same, regardless of whom to which we pray.

We may all have different color hair, eyes, and skin, but we all have the same genetic code written by the same force. There is but one race of humanity.

We may all hail from different cultures, but one of the greatest joys we have in this life is learning of and experiencing new cultures.

We may all speak different languages, but decency is fluent in them all.

We may have different governments, but each man is his own lord and master.

We may have different needs, but we all have the same rights to life, liberty, and the puirsuit of happiness.

We ARE all different, but we are so much the same. We bleed the same color, we laugh and cry and love and feel like all others do. We are all created equal, therefore we are all one family. No matter what label you give God, we are all His children. Let's live like it, let us renew the bonds of brotherhood we've paid lip-service to for the last century and take them to the next level. We're all one family, so embrace your brother and rejoice in his differences, for it is these that strengthen us, that make us unique, that provide for us an endless array of knowledge to learn.

Once More... With FEELING!

First, I must apologize to my faithful fans and fellow bloggers. It has been too long since I last made a post, and I have a few updates for you. As of today, my Bump Story blog is toast. I just don't have time right now. Such are the fortunes of war.

War, however, leads me AGAIN into today's subject of derision (such an AWESOME word...) as the President of Iran (terrorist cell leader) has stirred international public outcry by saying that the Holocaust was something we made up. Wow. How can I even begin to describe this idiot's action? Or the level of his stupidity? Are all these people (the Iranian President and his supporters) that braindead? Let's take a look at this from a historical and sociological point of view.
First, NEVER in the history of mankind has their been a nation of Palestine. Never has been and Allah willing NEVER WILL BE! This land was promised to the Israelites by the same God you social deviants claim to worship, and we have written proof. INSHALLAH. He wills it. Accept it, and move on. Stop blowing yourselves up for the Middle-East's version of New Jersey. We don't care; there are not enough of you and far too many of us.
Second, The Holocaust is FACT, not myth. Even if we did just make it up, giving these people part of Europe, Canada, the US of A, or even (gasp) Alaska won't solve anything. You claim that we put it above god and the prophets. Well, you sock-sucking rejects from a Happy Tree Friends video, God (through His prophets) told them they could HAVE this land. And by the way, just because we aren't fanatical Muslims looking for a reason to blows ourselves to kingdom come for elderly sheikh who's got a grudge against a wealthier nation doesn't mean that we have no God. Yes, that's right, ALLAH gave the Israelites the land they now occupy. GET OVER IT. Your monkey-ancestors moved in after the Romans ripped them away from the land, these lands, THEIR lands, and all the world did was agree to give it back, to which YOU idiots have no claim because it was never MORALLY yours anyway. How do like them apples?
I would trade a significant portion of my anatomy to be locked, unbound, in the same room as this so-called leader of a nation of martyrs, or whatever-the-heck-it-is that the Iranians are using to refer to themselves this week. I want to go round and round with this mentally-deficient excuse for protoplasm and beat him into a bloody pulp. I know that this is rather juvenile of me; however, when every other nation in the world refuses to do anything more than waggle a finger at him as punishment, SOMEONE must be man enough to step out, step up, and knock these idiots' heads in with a massive brick. When all other options have failed, violence IS an acceptable course of response. Trust me on this, as a professional warrior, when I say this guy needs to be MOAB'ed back into the Stone Age (which, by the way, most of his nation still lives in).

To the members of the Jewish community, both in Israel and around the world, on behalf of the human race, allow me to apologize for this miserable cretin. He speaks from an empty mind, and therefore must be held accountable for his words and his deeds. I tell you this, those of us in this world who have any modicum of intelligence de-cry the actions of this moron and all of his allies.

To the President of Iran, I give you two choices: apologize to the Jewish community of this world for your callow and close-minded thoughts, and step down as leader of Iran while disbanding your moronic administration and allow your people to take up the government of their choice; or face the wrath of an entire world sick of your pedantic crap. Mark my words, sooner or later we will get close enough to you to knock you down so hard you'll never get back up. I pray to Allah (or Jehovah, or God, or anyone else you want me to pray to) that I get the chance to land that blow myself. On that day, the last thing you will ever see is the rest of the global community standing, looking down at you, laughing and pointing.

Oh, yeah, and idiotic close-minded ill-advised comments are NOT a sign of piety. I bet your Mother and Father were brother and sister. Probably twins. Maybe one was a camel...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Bill of Responsibilities

One of the major factors contributing to the decline of our society is that more people are concerned with their rights then their responsibilities. We see this at every turn, everywhere we look. People are more worried about having for themselves than for giving for others. Part of this is inspired by fear, another by greed. These trends MUST be overturned if we are not only to thrive as a society, but to survive as a society.

A prime example of this is the reduced number of enlistments into the military we are seeing. People are either too afraid of actually having to make something of themselves, or are too afraid that they may be asked, or worse yet TOLD (gasp!) to do something INCONVENIENT. Are we turning into a nation of cowards? Does honor mean that little to us? Have we no desire to protect that which others have suffered, bled, and died to provide for us? These are hard questions, yet they have easy answers.

We have reached a point in human history where our technology has completed exceeded our ability to control it. We use it, but every day something new is created, invented, perfected. And some of us have learned to use it to hurt others. So, logically, it makes sense to use more technology to ensure they cannot hurt us; to protect the innocent. This is the way things should be. We NEED to use the tools that we have provided for ourselves. This somes with a cost, however; in that we must make a decision now: do we sacrifice something for our greater good, or do we keep the trivial things and take a risk that we will be the next victim? It seems that we want it both ways, but this cannot happen. You cannot keep your cake if you eat your cake.

Listen well, my fellow men and women: YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES ARE OF GREATER IMPORTANCE THAN YOU RIGHTS. Accept it. The needs of the many will always outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one.

As long as we remember that this is NOT a license for one to trample or be trampled, we will move in the right direction. We can still protect the future. We will still HAVE a future.

I dare you to prove me wrong.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Peace Sells, But Who's Buying?

First, allow me to apologize for not posting anything in the last few days, but I have had my hands full with a million other things...

We have all, by now, had ample opportunity to hear the news that one of the mothers who lost a son in Iraq has written a book about the evils of our "reckless commander-in-chief" and his policies involving the Middle East and Iraq. These people would have you believe that we are over here fighting for money and oil, that we are being sacrificed on the altar of the almighty dollar. They couldn't be further from the truth.

Do they actually think that if we leave our enemies alone, they will just leave us in peace? Can anyone be that naive, incomptent, or just plain stupid and still breathe unassisted? We tried that people, with a European guy named Adolf. It didn't work then, and it isn't going to work now. If somneone hits you, you hit them back, harder. Then you hit them again, and keep hitting them until they fall down. Once they fall, you keep hitting them; for if you don't they may get back up again.

Now, someone is going to tell me that violence doesn't solve anything. What do you think they will reply with once I hit them. These are also the same people who have never passed a history class. Yes, war is tragic. That doesn't make it evil.

All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to sit back and do nothing. Utilizing that philosophy (true as it is), anyone who advocates our retreat in the face of adversity is at least an accomplice to evil. These people believe that pacifism and cowardice are signs of morality. They couldn't be further from the truth.

A wise man once said, "Heroism isn't running into combat with a machine gun blazing and a cigar clenched between your teeth. Heroism, true heroism, is going off to serve your country while thinking about your family at home." Allow me add my two cents to this. Heroism also covers extending to others the chance to live free of tyranny, oppression, and persecution, regardless of the personal cost.

By the way, show me a servicemember who deployed to make someone else rich and I'll show you a self-deluded idiot. We don't do this for economics; not at our level. If someone else at home is making a profit by sending us into harm's way, then shame on them. Karma will catch up with them, sooner than they think.

And remember, the only American Idiots out there fervently believe we should just come home and let the world walk all over us. America is the land of the free and the home off the brave only as long as we fightly bravely to keep our freedom.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Something I Hope You Really Like!

Today, we are going for something a little more fun and a little less controversial: we are going after a super-hero. Superman, it's your turn to get the "finger and giggle" combo deal. You'll even get it Super-Sized.

When you go to this website, you will see an icon which, if you click on it, will lead you into a damning gallery of evidence (over 150 items) proving, beyond the shadow of a doubt, exactly what Superman is. Given the recent popularity of the television series Smallville (itself replete with examples of Clark Kent being less than heroic) and the new Superman movie being prepared for release, the fact that

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Hussein Gets It, Too

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a special treat for you today: some of the most truly evil people on Earth today: the terrorists of the Middle East, complete with any idiot who has ever sympathized with them. You are the worst enemies humanity has.

God never told you that you had permission to kill innocent people. He never issued a scriptural mandate to destroy everyone who doesn't agree with you. And he DEFINITELY never pointed a finger at America, or any other nation, and said "ATTACK!" You idiots only think He did. STOP IMMEDIATELY. You wonder why every other nation in the world has pursued you, persecuted you, and sought to destroy you. YOU STARTED IT. Apologize, and cease the stupidity, and maybe your God will forgive you.

The desire to murder others is NOT righteousness, regardless of the God you choose to serve. It is sacriligious, and a waste of talent and life; both for the victim(s) and perpetrator(s). Life, all life, is sacred and serves a purpose. We weren't put here so you could have a body count, you morons. Show me PROOF, hard evidence, that God wants us dead, and I will show you reasons He has given us opportunities to repent and gain salvation. Think about it for a moment, if your miniscule brains will allow you to: if God wanted us dead, wouldn't He have done so already?

Who appointed you God's avenger(s), anyway? If it was Him, as you claim, show me your credentials. I bet you don't have any, you shallow-minded rejects from a backwards age. Thousands of years of jyhaad, and you STILL haven't won? Accept defeat, and lead by example.

I would normally encourage the rest of the world to point and laugh, but you're too pathetic to rate a mere chuckle, and the tragedies you incite have wounded this world for generations to come. Maybe it IS your turn to die for the cause.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Make War, Not Love!

Today, it is the hippies turn... and I have far more to say about them than almost any other group.
First, I need to say thank you, for almost single-handedly destroying America in the 1960's. We still haven't recovered from your anti-patriotic assaults on this great nation. You cost us a war in your first decade of existence, and are threatening to do it again. Violence IS a perfectly legitimate solution to any problem, provided that all other measures have been tried and failed (and a lack of diplomatic progress is a failure, NOT a minor inconvenience). Violence solves matters rather thoroughly. Get used to it.
Second, the environment will survive the mistakes made by men. I am not advocating the destruction of the environment; I am just saying that chaining yourselves to trees and/or logging equipment is kind of stupid. And for the record, it doesn't look like you've been able to figure that one out for yourselves, so the rest of us (cue the music) POINT AND LAUGH!
Finally, there ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS ANIMAL RIGHTS! If we weren't supposed to eat them, why are they made out of meat? We evolved to eat them, use their bones for tools, and wear their skins for coats. That happens in a food chain; especially the one that we are on top of. So next time one of you pours a bucket of blood (or what looks like blood) on someone in a fur coat, and you get the stuffing knocked out of you, LEARN FROM IT. Being an idiot isn't a right covered by the Constitution.

Stay tuned!