Saturday, December 17, 2005

Once More... With FEELING!

First, I must apologize to my faithful fans and fellow bloggers. It has been too long since I last made a post, and I have a few updates for you. As of today, my Bump Story blog is toast. I just don't have time right now. Such are the fortunes of war.

War, however, leads me AGAIN into today's subject of derision (such an AWESOME word...) as the President of Iran (terrorist cell leader) has stirred international public outcry by saying that the Holocaust was something we made up. Wow. How can I even begin to describe this idiot's action? Or the level of his stupidity? Are all these people (the Iranian President and his supporters) that braindead? Let's take a look at this from a historical and sociological point of view.
First, NEVER in the history of mankind has their been a nation of Palestine. Never has been and Allah willing NEVER WILL BE! This land was promised to the Israelites by the same God you social deviants claim to worship, and we have written proof. INSHALLAH. He wills it. Accept it, and move on. Stop blowing yourselves up for the Middle-East's version of New Jersey. We don't care; there are not enough of you and far too many of us.
Second, The Holocaust is FACT, not myth. Even if we did just make it up, giving these people part of Europe, Canada, the US of A, or even (gasp) Alaska won't solve anything. You claim that we put it above god and the prophets. Well, you sock-sucking rejects from a Happy Tree Friends video, God (through His prophets) told them they could HAVE this land. And by the way, just because we aren't fanatical Muslims looking for a reason to blows ourselves to kingdom come for elderly sheikh who's got a grudge against a wealthier nation doesn't mean that we have no God. Yes, that's right, ALLAH gave the Israelites the land they now occupy. GET OVER IT. Your monkey-ancestors moved in after the Romans ripped them away from the land, these lands, THEIR lands, and all the world did was agree to give it back, to which YOU idiots have no claim because it was never MORALLY yours anyway. How do like them apples?
I would trade a significant portion of my anatomy to be locked, unbound, in the same room as this so-called leader of a nation of martyrs, or whatever-the-heck-it-is that the Iranians are using to refer to themselves this week. I want to go round and round with this mentally-deficient excuse for protoplasm and beat him into a bloody pulp. I know that this is rather juvenile of me; however, when every other nation in the world refuses to do anything more than waggle a finger at him as punishment, SOMEONE must be man enough to step out, step up, and knock these idiots' heads in with a massive brick. When all other options have failed, violence IS an acceptable course of response. Trust me on this, as a professional warrior, when I say this guy needs to be MOAB'ed back into the Stone Age (which, by the way, most of his nation still lives in).

To the members of the Jewish community, both in Israel and around the world, on behalf of the human race, allow me to apologize for this miserable cretin. He speaks from an empty mind, and therefore must be held accountable for his words and his deeds. I tell you this, those of us in this world who have any modicum of intelligence de-cry the actions of this moron and all of his allies.

To the President of Iran, I give you two choices: apologize to the Jewish community of this world for your callow and close-minded thoughts, and step down as leader of Iran while disbanding your moronic administration and allow your people to take up the government of their choice; or face the wrath of an entire world sick of your pedantic crap. Mark my words, sooner or later we will get close enough to you to knock you down so hard you'll never get back up. I pray to Allah (or Jehovah, or God, or anyone else you want me to pray to) that I get the chance to land that blow myself. On that day, the last thing you will ever see is the rest of the global community standing, looking down at you, laughing and pointing.

Oh, yeah, and idiotic close-minded ill-advised comments are NOT a sign of piety. I bet your Mother and Father were brother and sister. Probably twins. Maybe one was a camel...


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