Peace Sells, But Who's Buying?
First, allow me to apologize for not posting anything in the last few days, but I have had my hands full with a million other things...
We have all, by now, had ample opportunity to hear the news that one of the mothers who lost a son in Iraq has written a book about the evils of our "reckless commander-in-chief" and his policies involving the Middle East and Iraq. These people would have you believe that we are over here fighting for money and oil, that we are being sacrificed on the altar of the almighty dollar. They couldn't be further from the truth.
Do they actually think that if we leave our enemies alone, they will just leave us in peace? Can anyone be that naive, incomptent, or just plain stupid and still breathe unassisted? We tried that people, with a European guy named Adolf. It didn't work then, and it isn't going to work now. If somneone hits you, you hit them back, harder. Then you hit them again, and keep hitting them until they fall down. Once they fall, you keep hitting them; for if you don't they may get back up again.
Now, someone is going to tell me that violence doesn't solve anything. What do you think they will reply with once I hit them. These are also the same people who have never passed a history class. Yes, war is tragic. That doesn't make it evil.
All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to sit back and do nothing. Utilizing that philosophy (true as it is), anyone who advocates our retreat in the face of adversity is at least an accomplice to evil. These people believe that pacifism and cowardice are signs of morality. They couldn't be further from the truth.
A wise man once said, "Heroism isn't running into combat with a machine gun blazing and a cigar clenched between your teeth. Heroism, true heroism, is going off to serve your country while thinking about your family at home." Allow me add my two cents to this. Heroism also covers extending to others the chance to live free of tyranny, oppression, and persecution, regardless of the personal cost.
By the way, show me a servicemember who deployed to make someone else rich and I'll show you a self-deluded idiot. We don't do this for economics; not at our level. If someone else at home is making a profit by sending us into harm's way, then shame on them. Karma will catch up with them, sooner than they think.
And remember, the only American Idiots out there fervently believe we should just come home and let the world walk all over us. America is the land of the free and the home off the brave only as long as we fightly bravely to keep our freedom.
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