On Matters of Faith
Brothers and Sisters of humanity, allow us to come together for a few moments and enjoy what we have in common instead of focusing on what it is that makes us different.
We may all follow different Gods, but the tenets of love, charity, respect, and faith are the same, regardless of whom to which we pray.
We may all have different color hair, eyes, and skin, but we all have the same genetic code written by the same force. There is but one race of humanity.
We may all hail from different cultures, but one of the greatest joys we have in this life is learning of and experiencing new cultures.
We may all speak different languages, but decency is fluent in them all.
We may have different governments, but each man is his own lord and master.
We may have different needs, but we all have the same rights to life, liberty, and the puirsuit of happiness.
We ARE all different, but we are so much the same. We bleed the same color, we laugh and cry and love and feel like all others do. We are all created equal, therefore we are all one family. No matter what label you give God, we are all His children. Let's live like it, let us renew the bonds of brotherhood we've paid lip-service to for the last century and take them to the next level. We're all one family, so embrace your brother and rejoice in his differences, for it is these that strengthen us, that make us unique, that provide for us an endless array of knowledge to learn.
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